Sunday, November 11, 2007

Another Year Gone By

Okay, I'm feeling pretty lame. It has been a year exactly since I started this blog and there are only four sad little posts, not including this one. So I obviously got side tracked! BUT, I have committed myself to getting back on track, really!

There are quite a few blogs that I've been reading over the past year (....will share, I promise) which have given me the itch to get my hiney in gear and start posting again. I've found a place where I don't feel so all alone. Who knew there were all these other artists out there, like me, who were working on their own little businesses, all alone, going through the same things I am? Who knew?!!

Finding a place to go "where everybody knows your name......." (are you hearing the Cheers theme song in your head?) is a great thing. For me, who has worked all alone for the past 6 years, it's like having a local cyber pub that I can pop into for some much needed advice, pats on the back, or a shoulder to whine on. It's also nice to be able to give a bit of advice from time to time. It really strokes the ego!

So another year has gone by. When I started this little blog, I was five years into business. Now I'm on my 6th year. Yep! Six, can you believe it? Some days 6 years seems like such a short time. Other days, it's seems like forever. The past year has been a good one....a busy one. We have hired three new employees and exhibited at the Atlanta show this past July and now we are gearing up for Christmas. It's that time of year again to re-evaluate where we are and where we want to be at this time next year. Projections for 2008 are in the works. First on the list is to blog, blog, BLOG! For now, it's probably just for me, but hopefully soon someone besides me will be reading this blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay please Luke come on over to the dark side and join Typepad. Luke I AM YOUR FATHER!!! Ha ha, that is what my daughter has been saying over and over for the past three days - oh wait I forgot - koo chaa koo cha (that is his breathing). Welcome back!