Monday, November 12, 2007

Playin' Hookie

This is me today, or should I say, this is where I'm at today. In my kitchen with my laptop, tivo remote and a big Coke! I'm all alone at work today, for once and I'm playin' hookie. Yep!! I'm rebelling against the last five months of rush, rush, RUSH to get show prep done, DO the show, catch up after the show, fill show orders and um, fill orders that got behind while I was filling the show orders.

Of course, playing hookie for me still means I'm working. I'm just doing the fun part of the job. Reading blogs, doing research and hiding from my paint brush and packing tape. I have even stooped so low as to raid my son's halloween candy. He'll never know!!

I decided to take a few pics around here, to give you a glimpse of a day in the life. In other words, what's stacking up, racking up and what needs packin up. I'll have to get back to the grind tomorrow.

Here's a little present that was waiting for me on my front porch the other day. It doesn't look like such a great present to the average joe. But to was gold. I have been out of glaze for a few weeks now. Every now and then a supplier runs out of...well supplies! It doesn't happen often, but it always happens when you really, really need something. So I ran all over town, borrowing, bartering and buying whatever I could find to get me through till this shipment came. I think I need to speak to the person in charge of inventory (ME!).

Okay, this is the stacking up part. My kids like to get on my laptop when I'm not looking and yesterday they knocked over all my neatly stacked piles of paper to file. How dare they! I mean there were hours of stacking involved and now i have to start all over again. Seriously, this is really sad I know. I don't even know what's in that stack of papers. OY!

well, technically, this could be considered stacking up too. Here are 2000 pages of inserts just waiting to be cut. I think I need to make a trip to Kinkos.

this is the racked up part. My racks of paint are desperately needing to be merried and cleaned. A job for Peggy this week I think. And......finally.....this is my waiting to be packed up stack. Part of todays orders to be shipped tomorrow. And now I'm about 30 minutes away from two teenagers coming home. So I better prepare the kitchen for an after school raid!

1 comment:

Amber @ RuffleButts said...

Thanks for visiting my blog! Your table wear is creative! I look forward to reading more. Have a great week...and don't worry, my desk looks worse!!
