Thursday, November 15, 2007

Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!

Happy 6th Birthday!!

This month marks the 6th year in business for My Little Dish. I like to call it a Birthday instead of an anniversary. Because I’ve raised this company from concept, to birth, to a full fledged business. Stumbling along, just like a first time parent does with their newborn. It’s hard to believe, it’s gone by so fast. Looking back on my business is like looking back on my 8 year old’s life. Where did the time go?

We have come a long way in 6 years. We have accomplished a lot of great things, and we have stumbled a few times and gotten some pretty good boo-boo’s. Nothing life threatening: just a few stitches here and there.

I had a very funny thing happen to me this week which made me realize that I really have learned a lot over the past 6 years. I’m smarter than I look! ( ahhhh…… kidding!) I had contacted SCORE, a mentor type program for small businesses. Seasoned business veterans offer their advice to smaller business owners like me. A really great group that I’ve read about, heard about and thought about over the years. I just never did anything about it. This is something that most people do when they are starting a business, not 6 years into it, eeeeeekkkkk! (BUT….in my defense, I have had my husband and his father along side me the whole time.) I just decided it was time to get a fresh perspective on things.

So I call my new mentor that has been assigned to me in hopes of gaining some insight. I actually found that I was able to hold my own in this conversation. It was almost like an out of body experience, listening to myself talk about business. He was actually surprised that I was calling them at this stage. Not that they can’t still teach me a lot, I can just tell they are used to working with the newbies and answering the basic questions, not skipping ahead to year six. Unfortunately I still have to go through the basic steps first. Like attending those seminars on getting a business started, but hey, maybe there’s something I missed in all my reading and research.

It’s been a great six years and I can’t wait for another six! Boy that sounds like something I’d say on an anniversary doesn’t it? But this is a birthday party! I can’t wait to see what is in store for me next. I have a ton of ideas and goals for ’08.


Anonymous said...

Congrats - like I told ya we are at five years!!! Where does the time go? Keep up the blog, can't wait to hear what you have to say that I do not already know :).

michelle allen said...

This is funny! I just signed up with SCORE about a month ago. I've been in biz for about 12 years. oops! I'm way behind!

My husband kinda laughed at me but I will say the guy I got has already got me thinking and has impacted my business. I look forward to hearing how it goes for you. I'll keep you posted on this end.

Good for you. We can always learn more and do better. Your blog is looking great btw!

michelle allen said...

congrats on the 6 years!!

London E said...

Oh good! I can't wait to hear how your SCORE experience goes. Hey they must be good if you are getting something out of it after 12 years. Wow, now that's an accomplishment! Congrats and thanks.